Jeweled Breadcrumb #30 : i cannot sleep at 3:14 am
Lying awake between midnight and morning I command, “Be still, be still, my peevish mind.” But the task outsizes me. Better to surrender to the order of stars born under their own gravity.
3:14 am what other souls scour
obsidian sky for Pleiades and Peace?
how do Beetlejuice and Bellatrix shoulder
Orion remember their place
between Sirius and Jupiter?
how do forever dance partners
Venus and Saturn memorize their line-up
with the moon?
3:15 am what other souls wonder
what rule of law orders
billions of stars and planets
keeping them in their places?
why is the moon creeping
away from the earth?
is that why our Terra is turning
to chaos?
3:16 am what other souls long
to be sleeping securely held
still in intergalactic space? while
wide tide of my mind protests
‘how can you sleep when stardust
between your toes is slipping away?
lawlessness supplants order?
decency decays?’
3:17 am 3:26 am 4:13 am i remember
wisdom’s pithy homily
‘Without guidance from God, law and order
disappear, but God blesses everyone who
obeys God’s law.’ (Proverb 29.18)
4:14 am what other souls are praying
“O Holy One,
Open my eyes to see your succession
writ large on warring countries and interstellar space?
Help me to remember
when violent clouds of dust collapse
under their own gravity
an unspoiled star is born?
Order my mind to settle
in your sovereign dwelling place
collecting stardust between my toes?”
Lying awake between midnight and morning my disorderly mind reviews the deranged disorder of the day’s news. Oh how I strive to hold it all at bay, refusing TV images and social media. Nonetheless, the muddled mess stages insurrection and seizes my midnight mind. So I command, “Be still, be still, my peevish mind.” But the task outsizes me. Better to surrender to the order of stars born under their own gravity.
Thank you for reading these words,
written by grace and the grit of a real human being. Debra Asis
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The assignment that brings me to the writing of these words is to unapologetically tell the story of how God nudges, cajoles, drop kicks and masters me to be the real human being that I am … becoming … following God’s Jeweled Breadcrumbs. My daily writing challenge for 2025 is to share the Breadcrumbs with you.
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