Jeweled Breadcrumb #22 : seeing my self in a stranger’s eye
who is stranger?
who is other?
who casts the die decides
who does not count?
what if i am
perfect stranger
person of no importance
little clout?
will you ban me
from breathing
heckle and hate
whatever i do?
what if i am
benign stranger
eager to wax your car
or repair your roof?
do you fear your
fragile reflection
in my ware eyes
who you may be?
if you kill me
you will be less
with no other
there is no
Either everyone is a stranger and I am utterly alone, or, no one is a stranger and I cannot discount anyone. I give credence to the latter possiblility.
To know other is to know self. To refuse other is to refuse self.
Thank you for reading these words,
written by grace and the grit of a real human being. Debra Asis
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The assignment that brings me to the writing of these words is to unapologetically tell the story of how God nudges, cajoles, drop kicks and masters me to be the real human being that I am … becoming … following God’s Jeweled Breadcrumbs. My daily writing challenge for 2025 is to share the Breadcrumbs with you.
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