Jeweled Breadcrumb #18 : weeping, wailing and cawing with ravens
there is a sickly ache
harrowing my heart
kindling tears
one-eyed yellow lab dying
inflamed tears
young priest begins cancer treatment
smoky tears
200,000 Los Angelinos evacuate burning towns
scorching tears
Middle East’s apocalyptic movie set
raging tears
gang wars drug wars civil wars insurgencies
every continent is burning
are you crying God?
are yours the tears smoldering
in the glass bottle of my heart?
are we to weep and wail
for the dead child lying on ruins?
when do we stop?
how do we train our flaming tears
to breed new ground?
praise the mountains?
caw with the ravens?
bask in sunny blaze
shining through my window … pain?
Yesterday a friend asked me if I was excited about my new condo (actually the condo that likely will be mine after February 11th). I paused, felt into myself and came up with nothing. How can I be excited about my pristine space when so many images of animals and people having lost everything occupy my mind? my heart? And I hear, “There is just one glass bottle of tears. Tears of sorrow and tears of joy mingle, make you whole.”
Thank you for reading these words,
written by grace and the grit of a real human being. Debra Asis
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The assignment that brings me to the writing of these words is to unapologetically tell the story of how God nudges, cajoles, drop kicks and masters me to be the real human being that I am … becoming … following God’s Jeweled Breadcrumbs. My daily writing challenge for 2025 is to share the Breadcrumbs with you.
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