Trust In The Slow Work Of God : completing the 365 day writing challenge — a long drive home

Debra Asis
3 min readJan 1, 2025


We are, quite naturally, impatient in everything to reach the end without delay… we are impatient of being on the way to something unknown, something new. Yet, it is the law of all progress that it is made by passing through some stage of instability — and that it may take a very long time … accept the anxiety of feeing yourself in suspense and incomplete. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ

left lane closed ahead
82 miles per hour sapped
creeping 50 i see
crusty precambrian ridges
slicing slivers of powder blue sky
tectonic collisions mothering
thorny scrub and prickly things
how many billions of years did it take
for these rocks to rise crack earths crust?
inscrutable light gets brighter wondering
at the wonder of it all

left lane still closed
creeping 50 i see
undulating sandstone folds
worn rounded ridges spilling
onto parched sandy places
sagebrush sporting white plastic sails
how many millions of years ago
did ocean bathe new mexico?
inscrutable color saturates wondering
at the wonder of it all

creeping 50 i see
trucks wizzing past me
forgetting i was impatient
to reach the end
i am seized by something old
something new
steered into the wonder of wonder
wandering mind glimpses
a billion years in a breadcrumb

Thank you for spending 2024 with me as i engaged the writing challenge to show up each morning and trust God to give me words …. and God has been faithful. Tomorrow begins a new year and a new writing challenge. I believe i will be sharing breadcrumbs.

Debra Asis
All words are generated by grace and the grit of this real human being.

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The Biblical quote is found in today’s selection in An Ignatian Book of Days by Jim Manney is a series of daily reflections from the Spiritual Wisdom of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Throughout the book we hear the voices of St. Ignatius as well as many great thinkers and writers, long gone and present day, each uniquely revealing the way of finding God in all things. And that is my intention; to find God/Divine Presence/Ultimate Reality in whatever presents itself to me each day in 2024.

Each day I read, reflect and write on the selection, hoping to articulate the ways in which I come to know God/Divine Presence/Ultimate Reality via personal experience, impelled by the leading of my inner life.


Would you like to join me? The book is accessible on Amazon. Let me know in the comments to this post and sign up to get an email whenever I post. I would love to read your reflections too, public or private messages welcome!

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Debra Asis
Debra Asis

Written by Debra Asis

Noticing Ordinary Holiness along the way I aim to read the gospel of life in nature, poetry, art and every messy moment of my ordinary life.

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