The Way Of Elections : committing to the Kingdom greater than the way of competing empires
… postcript to the US general election —greater than the way of lightening and thunder
earth’s fragile envelope
is hot
hotter than sun flashing
lightening contracting
cracking rumbling
thunderous bravado boasting
shrinking to silence simmering
what is unbalanced seeks
the science of lightening and thunder
the way of elections
democracy’s fragile envelope
is blistering
mimicking sun flashing
lightening swords crossing
contracting cracking
disarming standing state
discharging collective energy
what is unbalanced seeks
the way of elections
the science of lightening and thunder
science supports
social balance theory
in the commonwealth of opposites
charges are disarming
— an enemy of an enemy is a friend
— a friend of a friend is a friend
— a friend of an enemy is an enemy
— an enemy of a friend is an enemy
— this leads to balanced relationships (see link below)
opposite charges contract
friend assesses enemy
enemy assesses friend
blistering cracking
courting shifting
inciting ceaseless rumbling
seeking certainty
as long as there are two colors
competing lightening swords
vulnerability bites the hand
of equanimity
vexed empires
endless fight ceaseless strife
‘i’m right’ ‘you’re enemy’
neither embodies
seed of safekeeping
salt of consciousness
pearl of great price
thunder lightening
election’s competing swords
miscarry hallowed
marrow of life
the kingdom of God
is hidden
in the seam
thunder’s rumble
lightening’s crack
election’s dispossession
committed to this
seamless place
here alone am i
by thunder lightening or
dualing swords
Debra Asis
All words are generated by grace and the grit of this real human being.
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