hOly-bytes: Ordinary Holiness of 3” Flashligh 10 June 2021
Mark 4.30–32 Jesus said, ‘With what can we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable will we use for it? It is like a mustard seed, which, when sown upon the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shrubs, and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade.’
Wisdom wrapped in metal
ever brite black eyes
Find your way forward to us.
Not lost this moment he knows
being lost by heart
offers me
three inch flashlight
Find your way forward to us.
Tempting dawn I stuffed the old corolla,
full of dents and trustworthy.
Last thing in, next to me,
is the three inch flashlight.
Find your way forward to us.
First morning in Santa Fe, Mojo (the raven Morkie) woke me at 5am, 4am Arizona time, for a coyote accompanied chorale tryst. A sliver of moon barely sliced the night but the three inch flashlight opened our way. As night’s shade pulled away to day, the fearless light of the wee flash faded bidding wisdom’s whisper,
“Woe to the loss of night, the soul light of day.”
Ordinary holiness, ever brite as a mustard seed.