Big Desires : swallow the sea or drown in a teacup
Big desire is the faculty which receives, so the bigger our desire is, the more we can receive. One part of this life is to learn to want largely and earnestly enough to make us capable of the infinite rightness of God’s kingdom. The more we try to tame and reduce ourselves and our desires and hopes, the more we deceive and distort ourselves. Simon Tugwell, OP
do not remove
erase deface
deep down cavern
do not refuse
declare untrue
profound sound
for trifles
springing back
from Something More
insures drowning
in a cup of tea
instead of swallowing
the sea
bigger than big
deep down
sacred summons
unself-consciously accepts
oceanic righteous
for trifles
springing back
from Something More
insures drowning
in a cup of tea
instead of swallowing
the sea
Words through Debra Asis, by the grace of Infinite Generativity
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Simon Tugwell, OP’s quote is found in today’s selection in An Ignatian Book of Days by Jim Manney is a series of daily reflections from the Spiritual Wisdom of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Throughout the book we hear the voices of St. Ignatius as well as many great thinkers and writers, long gone and present day, each uniquely revealing the way of finding God in all things. And that is my intention; to find God/Divine Presence/Ultimate Reality in whatever presents itself to me each day in 2024.
Each day I read, reflect and write on the selection, hoping to articulate the ways in which I come to know God/Divine Presence/Ultimate Reality via personal experience, impelled by the leading of my inner life.
Would you like to join me? The book is accessible on Amazon. Let me know in the comments to this post and sign up to get an email whenever I post. I would love to read your reflections too, public or private messages welcome!
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All words are generated by grace and the grit of a real human being,
Debra Asis writing challenge