Awake: A word for today
Struck by a widening blaze
we die
to awaken.
God is always happening
wearing my skin
shining your shoes.
An unclaimed, sci-fi thriller, Awake (2021) creates a world in which a solar flare shuts down all powers on the planet (read, no electronics!) and effects the brains of humans and apes such that they cannot sleep and even people in comas awaken. Apocalyptic effects of chronic sleep deprivation gradually lead to the denouement that comes about when one of the characters realizes the reason she can sleep is because she had died. This leads her to intentionally kill the main character, hoping she could be resusitated and able to sleep. ***
My take aways?
…. we must die to awaken
…. if the whole world were to awaken, it would be apocalyptic
Each day throughout the Season of Advent Forward Movement publishes a word for reflection. You may find them at
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All words are generated by grace and the grit of a real human being, Debra Asis